Pay it forward and donate
PAY IT FORWARD with RECOSI is a corporate donations programme which facilitates companies in the secure donation of IT equipment to disadvantaged schools, charities and community groups. Data is certifiably erased; the equipment rebuilt with a Microsoft Operating System and we PAY IT FORWARD on your behalf. PAY IT FORWARD not only helps charities, schools and community groups but it also supports the sustainable of employment of marginalised people and also those with disabilities.

What we do?
We take unwanted, surplus or unused IT equipment from companies who are no longer using it, we securely wipe all the data from the hard drives, rebuild the equipment using a new Microsoft Operating System, clean and repackage it and then deliver it to its new home so it can begin its new life.
Why do we do it?
It’s a win, win situation….
• The recipient wins because they are accessing low cost IT equipment
• The donor wins because we securely wipe the data for free
• The initiative creates employment for people with disabilities
• The environment wins because the equipment is reused and has its life cycle extended
Why should you donate?
By donating, you are helping a disadvantaged school, charity, community group or individual with little or no funds to get access to computers. You are helping to provide employment for people with disabilities. You are helping the environment. You are doing all of this with peace of mind because you know we will securely wipe the data from your hard drives.